USD is a short form of the United state dollar.Where, U means united ,S means state and D means dollar. It is the official currency of the US.
The full form of nok is norwegian krone.It is the official or primary currency used in norway.and it is the 14th most traded currency in the world
USD NOK is the abbreviation for the USD and NOK currency shows how much the USD (base currency) is required to measure against NOK(counter currency).
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It is difficult to determine which currency is stronger because every currency is stronger in their place.
But here we know which is the stronger currency in the forex market.
so as per my view dollar is the stronger currency than the keone
We can determine this by viewing the history of krone and dollar that which is more stronger.
Watch : USDNOK Live Chart
To know the exchange rate and profitability many people want to trade in USDNOK,
but they don’t know where they can buy the KRONE. So from the following information
you can understand that where you can buy krone:
1. We can buy norwegian krone from our nearest UTI store or we can order it online.
2. We can use it in 36 million global locations and it works like a debit card
Watch : USD/NOK Live Chart
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