The British pound sterling is referred to as the GBP.
It is the official currency in the united kingdom and its territories of south Georgia, british antarctic territory, south sandwich islands, the isle of man , and the channel islands.
It is one of the major currencies in the world and closely followed by traders around the globe.
CAD is the official currency of canada. “Loonie’’, is a nickname of CAD and it is the abbreviation or currency symbol which is used to denote the canadian dollar.
As it is the official currency of canada it is considered to be a benchmark currency, it means many central banks across the globe keep canadian dollars as a reserve currency.
1 canadian dollar is made up of 100 cents and is often present as USD.
The GBP CAD pair is an abbreviation of United Kingdom’s pound (GBP) and Canadian Dollar (CAD) as the counter currency. In this currency GBP is base currency and CAD is counter currency. This currency pair shows how much CAD currency is required to measure one GBP currency. As this currency pair is more traded in the forex market it provides more liquidity and a profitable interest rate.
Watch : GBP CAD Live Chart
First thing is that The pound to canadian dollar currency pair is the fourth most traded currencies in the forex trading market.
This currency pair is also popular among the traders and many individuals also want to trade in GBP CAD currency pairs.
Second thing is that there is a specific time to trade GBP TO CAD pairs to trade at that time the person can get a more profitable return.
The best time to trade this pair is between 8.00 am to5.00 pm.
And also there are so many things which attract the customer and it becomes important to trade.
Watch : GBPCAD Live Chart
How To Trade GBP CAD?
As gbp to cad currency pairs are more popular among the investor and it gives more profitable returns.
Many people want to trade in gbp to cad currency pairs but they don’t get how they can trade.
So we can trade the GBP TO CAD with either a forex contract or alternatively, we can trade a contract for difference on a particular currency pair and speculate on the price difference.
Because CFD is a financial instrument in the forex trading market where one party agrees to pay the other the difference value of security between the start and end of every trade.
Doing this we can either hold a long position or a short position to speculate that price will either raise or fall respectively.
Watch : GBP CAD Live Chart